Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Rise of African-American Conservatism

I have just spent the last hour watching Glenn Beck’s program on FoxNews on which today’s program featured mostly African-American, or if you want to be less than politically correct, black conservatives. I find it interesting that Glenn Beck can maintain his personal ideologies while not displaying any pressure to conform even to the seemingly mainstream views of this particular audience. Glenn Beck, my hat comes off to you and my heart goes out to you as you will surely be persecuted for exposing that are indeed black conservatives in this country that are alive with patriotic passion, moving for the resurgence of a real civil rights movement in the United States, tea-partying, and massively voting conservatively standing on the foundation of moral absolutes.

The time has surely come for African-Americans to rethink their political positions and the cultural pressure to be democratic in ideology. Education is important, but educated people who do not stand on the solid rock of moral absolutes become politicians who devise evil by law. Who then will stand for justice?  Will not the fight for freedom, which is fundamental to our cultural experience as African-Americans, be in vain? It is time to mobilize voices that will shout loud the need for education reform in this nation. It is time to organize, as Harriet Tubman (the black Moses) once did, not an Underground Railroad solely for slaves, but also a freedom train for the unborn and the thousands of women allowing for the taking of life from their own wombs everyday. It is time for re-education and detoxification of the American people that racism still exists and yet more government is not what we need. God is what we need!!

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